The rise of hybrid and flexible workspaces

, reviewed by Kristian Voldrich

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 February 27, 2023

The rise of hybrid and flexible workspaces

With offices closing all over the world, most white-collar employees are still forced to work from home. For many, remote work has shown clear advantages in recent months, and many first-timers who discovered these advantages are indicating their wish to continue working this way.

A report made by Coworking Insights suggests that as much as 87.09% of new remote workers would recommend this way of working to their friends and family. The most attractive aspect of working remotely, as suggested by the report, is the flexibility of the working schedule. Other attractive aspects are the lack of a long commute, saving costs (on fuel, travel, and food), less stress, and more time for family and friends.

Despite all of this, 71.48% of respondents from the same report indicated that they are eager to return to a coworking space. Research suggests that people prefer a balance between working from home and having a secondary location.

Vibrant Community 

coworking spaces are your best chance

Remote workers understand that while the flexible work style is attractive, it also presents some challenges. Loneliness, distractions, and a lack of like-minded people can have a significant negative impact on the long-term. The lack of a balanced workstyle or socialization might even affect your productivity and mental health.

For this reason, the Coworking Insights study found that a majority of the people who previously worked in a coworking space are eager to return to it as soon as the quarantine restrictions are lifted. This is largely because coworking spaces foster friendly and vibrant communities of like-minded people, and a majority of people are excited to come back to their own one.

Avoiding distractions

Busy homes are a source of constant distraction. For those not used to working at home, or without a dedicated quiet space, getting things done can be very challenging. We’ve all made huge efforts trying to adjust. Some more successfully than others.

Workers who can’t address distractions, bad internet, or a lack of noise will need a safe external space that can offer them everything they need, and this is what we’ve been busy setting up at 42workspace. You can review our safety measures in this short visual presentation. Large, open coworking spaces have made huge strides in adjusting working environments to the new measures, and they are one of the best choices for the new 1.5m society if staying at home is not a possibility.

Flexibility as a service

All contracts at 42workspace are month-to-month and very flexible. This was our model even before the coronavirus crisis hit, and it allows the startups housed here to change their plan easily as they grow.

Now that a great degree of general uncertainty is the norm, our plans allow businesses to sign up for a workspace without running the risk of signing a long-term contract for a space that you may end up not using at all. You can check out our membership plans here, with our most basic offer starting at €245/month!

If you need more information before finding your best coworking space, read more with our complete coworking guide.